Ocean City, MD 21842

Month: February 2022

Congratulations, You Just Sold Your Business: What Happens Next?

Congratulations, You Just Sold Your Business, What Happens Next?
By far, the most important step that you can take in terms of selling your business actually occurs before the sale even happens: planning ahead. Lear…

Does a Tax Deduction and a Tax Credit Result in the Same Tax Benefit?

Does a Tax Deduction and a Tax Credit Result in the Same Tax Benefit?
Tax lingo, even without getting into the weeds of the Internal Revenue Code, tax regulations, IRS rulings, etc., can be confusing. Two frequently used…

Counseling the Counselors: What your Therapy Business Needs to Know About Taxes

Counseling the Counselors: What your Therapy Business Needs to Know About Taxes
Therapy and counseling are invaluable services, and counselors make such a difference in clients’ lives that it’s hard to remember that they’re …

Managing Your Finances During an Inflationary Period

People who are looking for ways to counter the impact and preserve financial stability can start with these solutions….

All the Things That Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Overnight Success Story of Wordle

All the Things That Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Overnight Success Story of Wordle
Wordle became public in October 2021 and, after exploding in popularity, was eventually purchased by The New York Times for a seven-figure sum….

IRS Stops Using Facial Authentication Software for Access to Online Accounts

IRS Stops Using Facial Authentication Software for Access to Online Accounts
A prior blog article posting included an article about the IRS’ plans to use ID.me facial recognition software for taxpayers and others to authentic…

Important Enhancements to the Earned Income Tax Credit For 2021

Important Enhancements to the Earned Income Tax Credit For 2021
The earned income tax credit (EITC) is regarded as one of the government’s largest antipoverty programs and helps millions of American families …

Twists and Turns of the Education Tax Credits

Twists and Turns of the Education Tax Credits
If you have a child or children in college, or perhaps you or your spouse is a student, it can be confusing to figure out which of two potential educa…

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